Distributors and Manufacturers

We know that distributors and manufacturers have unique needs. Our demands are complex. You supply and distribute products to food service establishments and supermarkets, which have more labeling, regulatory and logistical requirements than ever before. Here at Edde Almond Paste, Inc., we are both your manufacturer and your distributor. We are your one-stop shop for quality products .

Targeted Solutions for Distributors and Manufacturers

  • The highest quality ingredients, ideas, and formulations to create unique items and trendy products that consumers want.
  • Regulatory compliance and support, including availability of Certificates of Analysis (COA) and nutritional information for all products on every order
  • Batch code tracking that supports rapid recall process
  • With short lead times and rapid sourcing of proprietary raw materials, you get what you need, when you need it.
  • Excellent technical support for all ingredients and products produced by Edde Almond Paste Inc. and access to technical staff of all supplier partners.
  • FSSC 2200 and Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) compliant.